Zakaria Hamimi
Benha University
Zakaria Hamimi is a professor of structural geology and tectonics, Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Benha University. He has graduated from Assiut University, May 1984, with honor degree, and awarded the degree of Ph.D. from Cairo University, 1992. He has published some twenty text books in various branches of geosciences (Arabic Edition), particularly field geology, structural geology, tectonics and physical geology, along with more than 60 research publication in local and international journals. He joined Department of geosciences, Faculty of Science, Sana'a University, 1995-1998, and Department of Structural Geology and Remote Sensing, Faculty of Earth Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, 2003-2013.
Research Interest
Field-structural geology, Structural analysis, Geotectonics, Geotectonics, Microstructures, Geologic mapping, Crustal deformation and Tectonic geomorphology.