Vladislav Demyanov
Irkutsk State Transport University
Prof. Vladislav Demyanov, Dr. of Science in Engineering, has actually been working as a full professor of Irkutsk State Transport University since November, 2009. Besides Prof. Demyanov has been working as a senior researcher of Institute of Solar and Terrestrial Physics (Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science) since 2000. He has published 3 books/monographs and 17 peer-reviewed publications between 2009 and 2016 (14 of them are first-authored) with Citations in Web of Science and Scopus: 48, h-index (Kirsch-index) = 8 (Russian RINC) / h-index = 7 (Scopus). The ORCID ID is 0000-0003-2893-9522. He has been elected as member of the Doctoral Council in Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk and as a Head of the State Examination Commission of Moscow State Civil Aviation Engineering University since 2015.
Research Interest
Space Weather: geomagnetic storms and Solar radio flares and their impact on GNSS and SBAS performance; GNSS\SBAS integrity and positioning availability control under irregular external impacts; GNSS remote sensing of the ionosphere; GNSS application on transportation. He had three international research visits and worked as research scientist in Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (July18 – August 25, 2011 and September 25 - October 25, 2017) and National Time Service Center, Xi’An, China in April-May, 2017. Meanwhile, he has led 4 special projects from Russian Department of Defense and took part in 5 research projects from Russian Academy of Science.