Stanislav I Klimov
Russian Academy of Sciences (IKI RAS)
Title: Implementation of a micro-satellite program in the infrastructure of the Russian segment of the International Space Station
Biography: Stanislav I Klimov
JSC "RSC "Energia" and SRI RAS as part of the "Long-term program of scientific-applied researches and experiments on the ISS RS", in accordance with the decision of the Coordinating Scientific and Technical Council (KNTS) of the Federal Space Agency for programs of scientific and applied research and experiments on manned space complexes, the first in the world implemented the "dual-launch" with transport cargo vehicle (TGC) the "Progress" and the ISS RS. In accordance with this technology the microsatellites composed of other TGC goods are delivered to the ISS RS, and then after performing the TGC primary function for the delivery of goods, is re-starting the engines of the "Progress" and he brings the microsatellite to a higher orbit (500 km). This scheme increases the economic efficiency of associated output for the TGC microsatellites weighing up to 100 kg and increases the ballistic time of their existence no less than 5 times. The introduction of this technology opens up wide prospects for fundamental space research and the Russian universities the possibility of launching their own satellites for scientific and educational purposes. The paper presents the experience of implementing this technology at the launch of the scientific micro-satellite "Chibis-M" (mass 40 kg), established the Russian Academy of Sciences to conduct a comprehensive space experiment (SE) on the study of energy of high-altitude lightning discharges in a wide range of electromagnetic radiation. At present in IKI in preparation are similar to the tasks of the SE on the microsatellite "Chibis-AI" and "Trabant" (2019-2021), included in the Program of scientific and applied research on the ISS RS.
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