Mikhail G Leonov
Russian Academy of Sciences
Title: Lateral protrusions (plate-flows) in the structure of the Earth׳s lithosphere
Biography: Mikhail G Leonov
Within the Earth׳s lithosphere, there are specific structures, known as lateral protrusions or plate-flows. These structures are playing an important role in the continental and oceanic architecture of the Earth׳s crust. They are a fundamental and widespread phenomenon that controls many features of the tectonic and geodynamic evolution of platform and foldbelt basement. Geologically, the lateral protrusions or plate-flows provide spatially constrained, nearly horizontal rock bodies with attributes of 3D tectonic flow and lateral transport of rock masses. Similar structures have been found in various parts of the World both within the continental and oceanic lithosphere. Among them are the Baltic shield, Anatolia, Tian Shan, South Africa, East-European platform, the Scotia sea, Caribbean region, etc. The occurrence of flowing layers embodies the internal mobility of enormous volumes of rock masses and the possibility of their lateral redistribution at various depth levels of the continental lithosphere. This phenomenon is also reflected in the tectonic-physical and mathematical models. The existence of such structures was confirmed by interpretation of space images. The report, on the example of geodynamic polygon "Baikal", contains a methodology of the comprehensive cosmo-geological study of the lateral tectonic movement structures.