Valery Korepanov
Head specialist of the Laboratory for Electromagnetic Innovations (LEMI). Also Scientific Director at Lviv Center of Institute for Space Research of the National Academy of Sciences and State Space Agency of Ukraine. Education: Graduated from Lviv Polytechnical Institute as electric engineer in 1965. Ph.D. Degree in Electromagnetic Measurements in Lviv Polytechnical Institute in 1970. Habilitation of Ph.D. in Geophysics in Institute of Physics of the Earth (Moscow) in 1991. main field of activity: development of theoretical and methodological aspects of electric and magnetic fields investigations in different media: space plasma, marine water and on-land; design and manufacturing of different types of magnetometers, electrometers and means of their calibration. Other fields: research on monitoring methodology of electromagnetic precursors of natural hazards.
Abstract : EMC problems at small satellites